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Water Level on 10/3: 343.96 (-1.04)
Water Level Details
SLOW. Water slightly stained; 87 degrees; 0.95 feet below pool. All boat launches are open. The slight cooling from Hurricane Helene helped improve conditions, but with it came northerly winds, while not strong, these winds did interfere with the fishing creating a slow bite for all species except catfish. Blue catfish have been good with live minnows, shrimp, and cut bait, in 12-22 feet. Channels catfish are excellent but the size has been small. Please remember that these two species have special limits in this lake, so take a look in the TPWD Outdoor Annual for more information. Bass anglers should continue to fish boathouse patterns. The cooling trend should continue, and the daytime rod and reel angling improve. Report by Jim Beggerly, Jim’s Fishing Lake Palestine.
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